New Wine Ministries


This is a 10-week course that plainly lays out the foundations of faith in Christ. Kingdom Foundations is our most popular course that starts with the basics of salvation, dives into an understanding of the Holy Spirit, and ends with a confirmation of faith service

Topics Include:

1. Understanding God
2. Understanding the Triune Nature of Man; spirit, soul and body
3. Sin and iniquity
4. Salvation
5. Kingdom road map & the bible
6. Kingdom Principle of stewardship
7. Kingdom Principle of prayer and intercession
8. Water Baptism
9. Understanding the Holy Spirit
10. Baptism of Fire
11. KingdomPrinciple:  Giving
12. KingdomPrinciple:  Citizenship/ Confirmation

Current Schedule

January 12th - March 16th
Sunday Mornings 9:00am - 10:30am

Registration and Log-in

Call the church office at 248-461-6776, or click below to sign up online.


This course is readily available online using the Thinkific platform.  Below is a shortcut link to Thinkific. Please refer to your instructor for further details.