Victor and Tammy Torres
Head Pastors
Victor and Tammy have been involved in ministry for the past 20 years prior to planting New Wine Ministries. The vision Victor and Tammy have at NWM is highlighted on the marquee outside the church, "Preparing People for their Purpose". Victor and Tammy are passionate about equipping people to find their God given purpose in life and empowering people to use their giftings in the community.

Jose and Cecila Ybarra
Outreach Directors
Jose and Cecila have faithfully served New Wine Ministries for six years and have been in ministry for over 20 years. Their hearts for the Lord and serving people are contagious and inspiring. They currently provide outreach to Meridian Health Services doing weekly services and foundational teachings. Jose and Cecila also coordinate our prayer team that hosts a prayer tent at community events. Aside from outreach opportunities they provide counseling, teach foundations courses, lead the marriage ministry, and so much more.

Becky and Calvin Day
Church Elders
Calvin and Becky have served New Wine for eight years and served in ministry for over 40 years including being lead pastors of Waterford Lighthouse. They currently support New Wine in many ways being ministry advisors, course content developers and teachers, and ministers to the body. The wisdom and love poured out through them leaves you empowered and equipped.

Josh and Victoria VarnHagen
Worship Directors
Joshua and Victoria serve at New Wine Ministries as the worship directors and youth leaders, along with having their hands in other areas of ministry as needed. Their passion is to see people experience the genuine love of the Father by encountering the presence of Jesus. Combined, they have been serving over 15 years in ministry and outreach organizations. They have one beautiful daughter, Eden Joy

Vicki Parry
I am Vicki Parry. I have been with this church New Wine since a very beginning in the basement when we were just a Bible study, I help with
the 7th watch intercessory prayer on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We pray for Michigan one of the intercessors of this church. I love the people in this church and connect with them.
the 7th watch intercessory prayer on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We pray for Michigan one of the intercessors of this church. I love the people in this church and connect with them.

Brad and Sarah Durham
Brad and I have been married for 22 years and are the blessed parents to five kids. We take great care, in the fear of the Lord in raising them up in the ways of the Lord, as family is our first ministry. Our hearts beat to serve the Body of Christ to help equip and train them for their ministry. As deacons you will find us together leading our usher and greeter teams. I also lead our Thursday morning intercession group, help with our I AM serves, and loves to teach on the apostolic, prophetic, and the Word of God, as well as overseeing our t-shirt center.

Charles and Michelle Molina
We have been married for over 20 years and are a couple that loves to serve the Lord and the body. You will find Michelle working in the children's ministry and Charles works in the audio department for the worship ministry. Together we head up the family ministry here at the church. We are proud parents and Grandparents

Vaughn and Debbie Lindstrom
Our heart is to listen, encourage and minister to the body, to pray with those who need prayer, and to serve the Lord and this house. You will find Vaughn greeting at one of the doors, and also at the men's group. Debbie is part of our intercessory team and she also goes out with our prayer tent team to minister to our surrounding communities.

Richard and Veronica Nicosia
Richard and Veronica Nicosia are parents of four, and grandparents of seven.
Their love of Family spills over to the Family of God, seeking that none should perish but all shall seek His glory.
Walking with the Lord for the past 40 plus years has allowed the Nicosia's to travel through good times and challenging times, proving that the Lord never forsakes us but walks beside us every step of the way
Their love of Family spills over to the Family of God, seeking that none should perish but all shall seek His glory.
Walking with the Lord for the past 40 plus years has allowed the Nicosia's to travel through good times and challenging times, proving that the Lord never forsakes us but walks beside us every step of the way

Rick and Domonique White
Rick and Domonique have dedicated their lives as servants in the ministry of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. They have received the fullness of salvation, and to the glory of God and the help of the Holy Spirit, they are now rebuilding, repairing, and raising up the old ruins and desolations of others (Isaiah 61). Rick and Domonique firmly believe that God is not a respecter of persons and that all people should be providedthe opportunity to be reconciled to God through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.